Alain's KS11XL

The Story

Here’s Alain’s KS11XL.

Another French Kawai, Alain bought his in 1978 in Nantes.  Back in “those days”, Alain used to play regularly in a band.  As happens to so many of us (myself included!), he stopped playing and forgot about the guitar until, just a couple of years ago, Alain and his brother decided to start playing once again.

They found the Kawai, still safe in its case, in the cellar of the house.

The guitar is all original, and doesn’t appear to have suffered too much from its time in exile in the cellar. 

I have to admit that I had a similar period of estrangement from my Kawai, although I always kept it safe in the back of a cupboard somewhere.  Just shows how well built these Kawais are ...


This is a personal hobby site and has no connection with the Kawai company